August 30, 2022 1 min read

What we love about Undercover Otter is all of their fun, neon, and bright colourways that are inspired by classic horror movies, modern gore-fests and post-apocalyptic science fiction. Their colours and names are one-of-a-kind, and we are thrilled to have put together some stunning kits to make your MKAL knit pop. 

Aiden is the owner and dyer behind Undercover Otter. Finding themselves struggling to find the yarn they wanted to crochet and knit with, in 2014 Aiden took matters into their own hands and began dyeing their own yarn. Their fibres are characterised by saturated colours and questionable colourway names, taking inspiration from the movies, books, plays, and games that they love. When dyeing their yarns, they experiment with different methods to get the desired effect. That means that the resulting colourways can have up to six layers of dye, in a multitude of techniques. Undercover Otter re-use 80% of all the water in their dye process by planning dyebaths in sequence, using soak water for dyebaths and filtering all water before it is re-used for next dyebaths.

Based in Amsterdam, Undercover Otter is a local supplier who we’ve loved working with to bring you a stunning selection of kits for MKAL 2022 that incorporate all of their gorgeous tones and saturated colours. 

You can buy their kits here.