WALK Collection - MKAL 2024 Dyer Spotlight

August 25, 2024 1 min read

Hand-dyed in Germany by Cathrin Walk and her amazing team, every day in the WALK Collection dye studio is an adventure in colour and creativity. As a dyer for one of this year's mystery kits, WALK Collection describes the kit as the essence of “ab fab!” Cathrin draws inspiration from fashion photography, nature, and art, often combining colours that might not match at first glance but become beautifully harmonious through their unique techniques.

The WALK team's favourite technique at the moment is the “Neon Grid,” which is both subtle and flashy—perfect for those who love a hint of neon in their projects. When asked about their dyeing process, WALK Collection described their studio as “hot, sweaty, and full of laughter,” a testament to the joy and passion that goes into every skein of yarn.

Cathrin’s approach to styling shawls is just as bold as her colourways. She loves creating a cosy, oversized scarf look. It’s all about making a statement, and with WALK kits, you’re sure to do just that!

If you’re looking to add some flair to your MKAL project, WALK Collection’s kits are a must-have. Dive into the world of WALK Collection and discover why their yarns are truly fabulous. Don't miss out on the kit launch at 16:00 Amsterdam time on the 31st of August! Check what time that is for you here.