Qing Fibre - MKAL 2024 Dyer Spotlight

August 26, 2024 1 min read

Founded by the wonderful Layla, Qing Fibre is a brand thriving on creativity and eclectic inspiration. One of their most popular colourways, “Mai Tai,” was born from a tropical cocktail, capturing the vibrant transition of a sunset by a serene lakeside. This kind of inspiration is at the heart of Qing’s work, where each skein is like a unique piece of art!

Like a gallery filled with different eras, Qing’s yarns are like a diverse group of friends—some bold and adventurous, others calm and comforting. This diversity is what makes Qing’s yarns so special, offering something for every knitter’s mood and project.

A typical day in the Qing studio is a balance of artistry and routine. Starting with a cup of coffee and a review of the day’s plan, the team spends the day soaking, dyeing, and setting colours to create the stunning yarns we all love. There’s always music in the background, adding to the creative atmosphere!

Eclectic as always, Layla enjoys a variety of looks when it comes to styling shawls. Whether it’s draped over the shoulders with a decorative pin, wrapped casually around the shoulders, or worn as a playful headscarf, Layla’s use of shawls is as versatile as the shawls themselves.

Get ready to explore Qing’s kits for this year’s MKAL and bring a touch of their eclectic charm to your Go Go Dynamo shawl. With such unique colourways, your finished piece is sure to stand out. Kits launch on the 31st of August at 16:00 (Amsterdam time). Check what time that is for you here!